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DuBus a Paul Harris Fellow

DuBus a Paul Harris Fellow

Rotary Club of Mexia President Brent Locke, right, congratulates Rotarian Dr. Lyle DuBus after presenting with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award at the Club’s Feb. 27 meeting. The award acknowledges certain benchmarks of giving to Rotary International.

‘Wing on Strings’ offers fine food, wine
‘Wing on Strings’ offers fine food, wine

‘Wing on Strings’ offers fine food, wine

The Massey Foundation hosted an evening entitled “On Wings and Strings” at Springfield Hall, featuring the Baylor String Quartet. Six courses were served by Underbelly Houston during the concert Saturday, Feb. 29, with Chef Chris Bosch intermittently stepping out of the kitchen to describe dishes to guests and receive feedback. He was accompanied and assisted by Sous Chef Matt Cummins

Dr. Taurus Allen

Dr. Taurus Allen

Dr. Taurus Allen, a physician at Parkview Regional Hospital, speaks to the Mexia Lions Club, introducing his colleague, Dr. Andre Graham, at the Club’s Feb. 18 meeting.

Junior Rotarians

Junior Rotarians

Rotary Club of Mexia President Brent Locke, center, congratulates the Junior Rotarians for February, Mauricio Gonzalez and Alysa Carrizales after the Feb. 20 meeting.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868