Mexia LTC News
Wed, 03/11/2020 - 12:00am
This week at Mexia LTC we started off enjoying Bible reading with Irma Carranza on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
This week at Mexia LTC we started off enjoying Bible reading with Irma Carranza on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
The Spanish captain responsible for protecting the San Saba mission sensed grave danger on Mar. 10, 1758.
Troy Miller, with Master Gardeners, speaks to the Rotary Club of Mexia at its Feb. 27 meeting about the work the Master Gardeners do around Limestone County.
Jan Miller, with Mexia Area Habitat for Humanity, speaks to the Rotary Club of Mexia at its Feb. 27 meeting, updating the members on the latest news at the organization.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868