Mexia LTC News
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off playing hallway bowling on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off playing hallway bowling on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
Several local nursing homes are collecting new donated fans to provide for seniors who need to cool off.
Pat and Donald Rodgers, of The Manor Healthcare Residence, celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary on June 14.
Representatives of the Brian “B.T.” Thornton Scholarship donate $4,715 to the Limestone Cancer Support Group, a product of the Scholarship’s fundraiser, on June 14. Shown here, from left, are LCSG’s Peggy Franklin, Frank Parker and Group President Missy Newhouse, Scott Thornton, Amber Sinclair and LCSG’s Daniel Burkeen.
The Mexia Senior Center is open for business again and serving lunch five days a week. They were closed for a while because of COVID-19 restrictions. Those who run the Center offer seniors aged 60 and over a chance to come by and eat lunch for a charge of only $3.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868