Pray that you don’t let go of the rope this week
Hold onto that which is good and fight evil. – I Thessalonians 5:22
Analysis: 3% of Texans deciding who governs other 97%
In a perfect version of our democracy, all of the eligible adults would be registered to vote and then would vote. Any candidate with the support of more voters would take office and represent everybody who voted, including the people who voted for another candidate.
Limestone Medical Center first to use innovative system to measure hand hygiene of staff
Groesbeck’s Limestone Medical Center is the first hospital in the central Texas area to use the innovative BioVigil hand hygiene system to help prevent Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) by ensuring all employees who come into contact with patients have the cleanest hands possible.
Sims Family Gave Night rescheduled for Monday
The R. Q. Sims Intermediate School in Mexia will host its Family Game Night Monday, Feb. 28, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.