Real judge inspired flight of fancy
A former judge from the Lone Star State passed away in Chicago on Dec. 31, 1867 never knowing he would soon be immortalized in a short story that may be based more on fact than fiction.
A former judge from the Lone Star State passed away in Chicago on Dec. 31, 1867 never knowing he would soon be immortalized in a short story that may be based more on fact than fiction.
Editor’s note: Each year we recap some of the interesting stories from the past year. We can’t ignore the impact COVID-19 had on 2020, and we aren’t going to ignore it here. However, there were plenty of other stories. We hope you enjoy the look back through the first 6 months of 2020 here and the last six months in the first issue of the 2021.
Limestone County Emergency Management Director Matt Groveton is keeping updated on when COVID-19 vaccines will be available, but said Monday he still does not know.
(StatePoint) Parents of children enrolled in afterschool programs are happier with their participation than ever before, according to a new study. At the same time, there aren’t nearly enough programs available, and students from low-income families are the most likely to lack access. For every child in an afterschool program today, three more are waiting to get in.
Even with the most political censorship in U.S. history, people of integrity know that the 2020 presidential election was the most fraudulent in our history. Opponents first said, “Show us the evidence.” When shown, they next admitted, “Okay, there was fraud but not enough to change the outcome.” When hundreds of whistleblowers, many Democrats, surfaced and millions of Americans viewed captured videos of filmed corruption in nightly news broadcasts showing otherwise, that lie evaporated. Thousands either participated in it or witnessed it. When corruption could no longer be denied the narrative changed to, “It is too late to do anything about it! Accept the election!” But if you accept fraud in any degree, aren’t you participating in it?
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868