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4-H Food Competition

4-H Food Competition

4-H-ers, from left, Jenah Bradley, Fallon Burkeen and Amanda Burkeen competed in the District 8 4-H Food Competition on Dec. 3 in Gatesville. The team won third place in the Healthy Appetizers category.



Several young people including, from left, sisters Summer Foulis and Haley Foulis, and sisters Amanda Burkeen and Fallon Burkeen, caroled at Mexia LTC Saturday morning, Dec. 19. Many residents in wheelchairs gathered in the foyer with the door ajar so they could listen and watch. Some sang along to songs they knew, waved and clapped. Photo by Roxanne Thompson/The Mexia News

Pet-safe toys and treats

The holiday season is a time to show appreciation to our loved ones, both people and pets. Handmade toys and treats are a wonderful way to do so – they allow owners to avoid busy stores during the pandemic, ensure their gift is pet-safe and add a personalized touch.

FRA publishes final rule for state highway-rail grade crossing action plans

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published a final rule requiring 40 states and the District of Columbia to develop and implement highway-rail grade crossing action plans to improve public safety. In addition, the rule requires 10 states that have already developed grade crossing action plans, as required by the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA) and FRA’s implementing regulation, to update their plans and submit reports describing the actions they have taken to implement them.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868