Still in search of some ‘high-quality H2O
While most Mexia residents had water service by Tuesday morning, Feb. 23, many other Bistone Water Supply customers still were without water.
While most Mexia residents had water service by Tuesday morning, Feb. 23, many other Bistone Water Supply customers still were without water.
The stands at the youth ball fields don’t look too comfortable, with ice hanging down. Registration for the spring season has been extended.
This house in Mexia is sporting some awesome icicles. Hopefully no one gets stabbed as the weather warms up and they dislodge from the roof.
CVS Manager Kristina Randolph and staff members help Mexia firefighters load 84 cases of water the company donated this week, while the store was closed because it had no electricity.
Well, the spring sports season got under way. Or at least, it was supposed to Tuesday when the Mexia softball team was scheduled to play its first game, at home against Buffalo.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868