Mexia Cares provides supplies for 150 junior high students
The multi-organization group that pooled its finances to purchase school supplies for junior high students reports it was able to raise enough funds for 150 students, and even a few extra.
The multi-organization group that pooled its finances to purchase school supplies for junior high students reports it was able to raise enough funds for 150 students, and even a few extra.
Calvary Baptist Church of Mexia is offering a special grief support meeting designed for individuals who have lost a spouse. Grieving the loss of a husband or wife is overwhelming for many people, and finding a sense of normalcy without that loved one is painful.
Big Boy – one of the huge steam locomotives built specially for Union Pacific in the 1940s to help get big loads of material for World War II through the mountains between Cheyenne, Wyo., and Ogden, Utah – stopped in Mexia for a bit Sunday, and hundreds showed up to meet it and take pictures of it and with it.
About a dozen volunteers met at a Mexia hardware store Saturday morning then moved to a Mexia home that needed a ramp and proceeded to build that ramp.
Limestone County Historical Commission members continued discussion at their Aug. 3 meeting on the possibility of funding a project to straighten and level tombstones, which members had discussed at the previous meeting.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868