Boy from cotton patch sure could coach football
Stamford won the battle of the Bulldogs on Dec. 21, 1956, beating Brady 26-13 for its 32nd victory in a row and second straight Class 2A state championship.
Texas electricity regulators say most power generation facilities are ready for winter; that won’t stop a blackout
Ten months after a devastating winter storm crashed the state’s electrical grid, the majority of electric generation facilities have made the changes needed to protect their infrastructure from extreme cold, Texas electricity regulators said Friday in their first status report on power companies’ preparations.
Mexia woman discovers ancestor came over on Mayflower
Mexia’s Jackie Tidwell used to think genealogy was a dry subject, not interesting at all. Once she started exploring her own family’s history, however, and that of her husband, her whole attitude changed.
From our archives – Dec. 15, 1968 - Page 3
From our archives – Dec. 15, 1968 - Page 3