Doctors have their day
Editor’s note: The following information is taken from The site offers much more information, too.
Editor’s note: The following information is taken from The site offers much more information, too.
The Jonathan Hardin Chapter-NSDAR met for its regular monthly meeting March 9 at Gibbs Memorial Library in Mexia. The meeting was called to order by Regent Nancy McSwane. Invocation was given by Honorary Regent Aleece McBay, standing in for Chaplain Marsha Black. The DAR Ritual was led by McSwane. The pledge to the American flag was led by Beth Harrison and the pledge to the Texas flag was led by Nancy Rula. McBay led the American Creed and member Julia Morton led the Preamble to the Constitution. McSwane read the message from President General Denise Doring Van Buren which was titled, “Spring Brings New Life to DAR.” Committee reports were given by members Nancy Rula, American Indian Moment; Carol Ann Biggars, Conservation Moment; Gayle Carpenter, Service to America.
This week at Mexia LTC we started the off with Bible study Monday morning and played bingo in the afternoon.
More often than not, Vietnam veterans haven’t received any recognition for their service, said Russ Foster American Legion Ashburn-Hanna Post 288 commander.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868