Mexia LTC News
This week at Mexia LTC we started off with Bible study on Monday morning and bingo in the afternoon. Residents enjoyed Bible Group with Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning and bowling in the afternoon.
Dealership offers charging station
Dick Scott Ford is taking advantage of its location near the intersection of three highways and has installed an electric and hybrid vehicle charging station.
MHS student faces felony charges
The Mexia Police Department arrested a 17-year-old male Mexia High School student following a reported gunshot Monday, May 17, at the high school, which prompted a lockdown of all MISD campuses.
TCEQ: Waco meets terms
Opponents of the proposed Axtell landfill heard unwelcome news recently when TCEQ issued its response to the many objections Axtell-area residents made against the proposed landfill the city of Waco has requested to be built adjacent to Axtell.