Students learn worms are good ... and more from Master Gardeners
Texas birds, butterflies, worms and beehives were in the morning lesson plans Tuesday, May 17, for second-graders at A.B. McBay Elementary School.
Texas birds, butterflies, worms and beehives were in the morning lesson plans Tuesday, May 17, for second-graders at A.B. McBay Elementary School.
Mexia Fire Department responded to a semitrailer on fire Monday, May 23, along Highway 84.
Dear Heloise: Being on a fixed income, an electric bill increase of the magnitude that Peter H. described would be really bad news. I budget $50 a month (heat and hot water are included in my rent). I’m ecstatic if it is under $40. And most of the year it is. Here are the main things I do to help make this happen:
Two days before they were scheduled to graduate, Wortham High School’s seniors got a number of lessons in life skills from professionals in the area.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868