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And the band plays on!
And the band plays on!
And the band plays on!

And the band plays on!

ABOVE: Members of the Mexia High School band practice their marching routine in a parking lot at the high school Monday, Aug. 7. Like athletic teams, the band also is preparing for the fall season. In addition to performing at all the football games, the band will gear up for its competition in October. RIGHT: Members of the Mexia High School band go through their paces at practice Monday, Aug. 7. The Mighty Maroon Marching Band is gering up for the fall season, when they will perform at all the football games and head to their annual UIL competition in October. BELOW: Mexia High School band drum major Nathan Maki, right, goes over the marching routine with another band member during practice in the Mexia High School parking lot on Monday, Aug. 7.

Work on building up your faith ... for you, for country

In this day in which you and I live, and in a day in which it seems that the very foundation of America is being torn down and ripped to shreds, I want to offer you a plan and a hope that will both strengthen you, your family, and this great nation in which you and I live. It’s found in two books, the short book of Jude, which is found right before the last book of the Bible, Revelation, and in the fifth book of the Old Testament, the book of Deuteronomy. The French writer, Alexis de Tocqueville, said after visiting America in the year 1831, that America’s greatness was not found in its factories, nor in its commerce, nor in its institutions of higher learning, nor was it found in its fields and forests and mighty rivers, not even in its matchless Constitution. America’s greatness was found in its churches and in its pulpits where the righteousness of God flamed with the preaching of God’s Word.” “America is great,” he said, “because America is good, but ifAmerica ever ceases to be good, it will cease to be great!”


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