Coolidge gets new councilman, city staff
The Coolidge City Council appointed William “Bill” Torp to a recently vacated seat and hired a new city secretary and public works director at its June 20 meeting.
The Coolidge City Council appointed William “Bill” Torp to a recently vacated seat and hired a new city secretary and public works director at its June 20 meeting.
Local murder mystery dinner theatre, art exhibitions, musicals, open mic nights and more could now be possible through the Mexia Artistic Collaborative (MAC).
Cindy Walker project to be featured on nat’l radio show
The Groesbeck Auction & Livestock Company held its weekly livestock auction sale on June 27. The sale is held each Thursday beginning at noon. Sellers 108 and
Dear Heloise: Our residential neighborhood has barn swallows. In mid-May, we realized that they had built a beautiful nest in the corner of our very small porch, and a female sat on it as the male watched from close by. When we sure that the eggs were hatched and the babies were gone, my husband took down the nest and cleaned the porch. He installed a 12-inch owl to discourage them from coming back.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868