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Receive the breath of life, like Ezekiel’s dry bones

Judah was in a world of hurt, just like her northern cousins in the kingdom of Israel. The nation of Israel had been divided in two because of its rebellion against the God of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Under King David, Israel had been a united country, but with David’s grandson, the son of Solomon, the nation was divided in half, with the Kingdom of Israel in the north, and the kingdom of Judah in the south. And now, because of Israel’s refusal to listen to Almighty God, the northern kingdom had been carried off into exile by the nation of Assyria, modern day Turkey, and the southern kingdom then faced its own exile by the nation of Babylon, modern day Iraq.



Huckabee is a 1-year-old large mixed-breed who is neutered and currently 47 pounds. For adoption from Limestone Animal Rescue Adoption Shelter (LARAS House), visit larashouseshelter. com or call 254-2929552. Adoption fees cover all medical treatments and neutering costs, including heart worm treatment. Adoption fees are typically $200, but they are $100 now to encourage adoptions.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868