Nursing observances through the year
Nurses put in long hours as they work tirelessly to advocate for their patients.
Nurses put in long hours as they work tirelessly to advocate for their patients.
Health care workers devote their lives to helping people stay healthy and recover from injury and illness.
Mexia Garden Club has selected the home of Bud and Marilyn Shamblin, 806 Mesquite Lane, as the November yard of the month.
The Groesbeck Fire-Rescue Department will once again fry turkeys this year. In order to save yourself that trouble of buying oil and risking burning your bird, let them do it for you.
The Kosse Cares LLC annual fundraising event is now underway. Kosse Cares will sell 300 tickets at $50 each for 10 guns. The drawing will be on Saturday, Nov. 14.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868