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Dear Heloise: Do you have any suggestions or recipes for an overabundance of cooked oatmeal cereal? Our church group makes breakfast every other month (pancakes, eggs, biscuits and gravy, fruit and oatmeal), and there is usually a pot of oatmeal left over. I hate to see this thrown out but have no ideas on how to transition this into something else. Please help. -- Vickie D., Burke, Va.

Governor’s Office clears path for governmental bodies to meet telephonically or by videoconference during coronavirus disaster

AUSTIN - Governor Abbott’s office today approved a request by the Office of the Attorney General to temporarily suspend a limited number of open meeting laws in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster. This action will allow governmental bodies to conduct meetings by telephone or video conference to advance the public health goal of limiting faceto-face meetings (also called “social distancing”) to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).


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