Mexia LTC News
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off with hallway reading on Monday morning. Residents played hallway bingo on Monday afternoon.
Sarah Bickford’s story told in ‘Race and the Wild West’
Sarah Blair Bickford was born a slave in eastern Tennessee in 1852, the exact date of her birth is unknown. Her childhood is linked to some cruel conditions although according to the author’s research, Sarah had the opportunity to have some training and experiences other slave girls may not have had. She learned to read by attending church with her owner. After the Civil War was over, the country was being consumed by feelings of racism. When other African Americans thought about their future and opportunities they selected Montana as their future home. For unknown reasons, Sarah decided to join the group. She was 8 years old and considered as mulatto. There was another girl named Sarah, who was 3. It is unclear which Sarah was the person of the intense study and this book, “Race and the Wild West.” After research and the passage of time, it is believed the 3-year-old Sarah is the subject.
City manager delivers update on city projects
Mexia city manager Eric Garretty gave the Rotary Club of Mexia an update of current projects at last Thursday’s Rotary meeting.
The Mexia-based veterans support group Veterans Pardners has a new name: Veterans Partners of Texas; and they also have a new building from which to operate.;/p>