We’re skiing through life’s bad conditions; let’s pray
God is God. Even in 2021. Especially in 2021.
God is God. Even in 2021. Especially in 2021.
The U.S House impeached President Donald Trump for the second time on Wednesday afternoon, a week to the hour after supporters of Trump mobbed the U.S. Capitol and caused many members of Congress, their families and journalists to flee for their lives.
The following news announcements are from the Office of Gov. Greg Abbott (gov.texas.gov) or Attorney General Ken Paxton (www.texasattorneygeneral.gov). They have been summarized for space considerations, but the full press releases are available at the respective websites.
Mexia ISD has been chosen as one of five rural school districts in Texas to receive a $30,000 grant to combat hunger and improve nutrition.
Mexia ISD second-grade teacher Katie Looney is recovering from a car wreck on her way to work last week. At last report she was in a Temple hospital.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868