Mexia LTC News
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off with ring toss down the hall on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off with ring toss down the hall on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
Mexia Area Chamber members help Amanda Brotherton and her crew at Just Relax Wellness Center, 202 W. Commerce in Mexia, with their ribbon cutting on Thursday, April 15. Shown here, from left, are Ariel Minchew, Tina Beshirs, Lynda Condon, Mikki Davis, Brotherton, Michelle Cochran, Chamber President Linda Archibald, Becky Toscano, Kristin Nichols and Keath Huff. Photo by Roxanne Thompson/The Mexia News
Mexia Vision Services was selected Mexia Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Month for April 2021. Shown here at left are Chamber Directors – Michael Jones, of Jones Funeral Service, Ariel Minchew, of Centex Citizens Credit Union, and Arnold Blair, of Skilled Care of Mexia. At right are Abby Gonzales, Charse Melendez, Dr. Wesley and Kathy Pittman and Amanda Ingram.
Marion Connell was born and raised in a different world than the one we know today.
Veteran Partners of Texas held a 50th anniversary commemoration of the Vietnam War on Saturday, April 17, with Joe “JoeRob” Roberts serving as master of ceremonies and an estimated 50 to 60 people attending. Because the group lost a highly esteemed member, “Poppa Dave” Jordan, four months ago, the organization decided to name the local 50th anniversary commemorations for Jordan from now on.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868