Warbler-watcher: Winter storm tough on area’s birds
A longtime observer of birds, Mexia’s Linda Flatt, like many others, witnessed with horror the effects of February’s severe winter ice storm on birds in the Mexia area.
A longtime observer of birds, Mexia’s Linda Flatt, like many others, witnessed with horror the effects of February’s severe winter ice storm on birds in the Mexia area.
Mexia police officers were called to two disturbances last week, one involving a gun and the other just people wanting to fight.
Many prayers were answered Friday evening as threatening rain did not fall while Mexia High School held its graduation ceremonies at Blackcat Field for the 104 members of the Class of 2021.
A celebration of life for David Isaac Simmons, a Freestone County tow-truck operator killed while on the job, will be held Saturday, June 12. Simmons’ last ride will start at 10 a.m.
The graduates of the Coolidge High School Class of 2021 earned nearly $120,000 in scholarships that were announced at the graduation ceremony Friday, May 28. More awards are pending.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868