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It’s a waterful life
It’s a waterful life
It’s a waterful life

It’s a waterful life

Mexia residents can cancel their plans for the coast, city manager Eric Garretty said with a chuckle. After supply chain and weather delays slowed construction, the Hughes City Park Splash Pad was officially opened Friday, May 6.


Dear Heloise: When I am standing outside in the sunshine, I look at my shadow to see if I am standing up straight. Thank you. -- Mary H., Arlington, Virginia


Dear Heloise: When I bring a head of lettuce home from the store, I wash it, tear it into bitesize pieces and pack it in a glass fruit jar. Then I put a lid on the jar and put it in the refrigerator upside down. It is ready to use, and it will keep without turning brown for up to a week. It takes two quart jars for a head, or if you pack a salad for lunch, put in smaller jars and just grab one each day for lunch. We seldom throw out brown lettuce anymore. -- Judy H., in Nebraska


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868