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Dear Heloise: This is Mingo, a Siamese mix who I adopted from R.E.A.L. Cruzen Cats, a rescue that traps and homes feral cats in St. Croix. She loves feather wands and purrs nonstop! Also, just wanted to mention a tip about peanut butter on bananas as a dog treat: Always make sure it doesn’t contain xylitol, which is deadly to dogs. -- Carol, Exeter, North Hampshire


Dear Heloise: A helpful hint I would like to pass along: To prevent mold from growing on bricks of cheese, do not touch them with your fingers when cutting or grating. Use the wrapper or plastic wrap where you hold on to the cheese. This hint, passed along from my neighbor, has saved me both money and frustration. -- Jo-Ann Donaghy, Irvine, California

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Dear Heloise: I have found a great way to warm my feet when I get into bed that I find preferable to wearing socks or using a hot water bottle. I put dried beans in a long, unworn tube sock and then tie it off. (I use pinto beans.) I microwave the sock of beans until they are warm and place them under the sheets near my feet. I can easily push them away when my feet are warm enough, which I sometimes do before I fall asleep, and other times, I do it later in the night. I have been using the same sock and beans for the past couple of years and haven’t seen a need to replace it, yet.


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