Leanna Marie Walpole of Mexia will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts, Political Science from the College of Arts and Sciences at Baylor University during commencement ceremonies May 13-14 in the Ferrell Center.
Teachers are leaving the profession at unprecedented rates, but Mexia Independent School District has increased its retention, Superintendent Ryder Appleton said. “COVID is considered a pandemic, and we now have a pandemic statewide with teacher retention,” Appleton said. “But (Director of District Services Shelli) Killingsworth has some really positive information we’ll share with you as it relates to Mexia.” From January to July, retirements and resignations are 48% higher than the average of the previous four years in Texas, Appleton said. Mexia is an outlier in this trend, he said. In 2019-2020, MISD had 77% teacher retention and 78% retention in 2020-2021, Killingsworth, said. This past school year the district had 85% teacher retention, she told the board.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – ACTS 1:8
A Limestone County jury sentenced Daniel Paul Ray to 99 years in prison for burglary of a habitation, and 20 years each for theft of copper and aluminum on Aug. 24, according to a press release from Limestone County District Attorney Roy DeFriend.