Mexia Lion Dr. Bill Lowry, right, is awarded a Melvin Jones Fellowship by former Mexia Lions Club president Daniel Burkeen at a recent meeting.
Mexia LTC News
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off with Bible study by Irma Carranza on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
Local woman presents ‘lost art’ of canning
When Mary Wheeler, Almosta Farm owner, was 6 years old, she would sit under a shade tree with her cousins, cleaning dirty cucumbers in a washtub and shoving the vegetables into glass jars with dill and garlic herbs.
Shivers leaving EDC
Mexia Economic Development Corporation Executive Director JoAnna Shivers posted on Facebook on Aug. 31, that she is leaving the position and her last day is Sept. 9. EDC President Arther “Chunky” Busby said he is not able to comment on this at this time. “I will always want this community to thrive because it’s a great place to live, no matter how you pronounce it,” Shivers said in the post. Her post in its entirety: “I say this holding back tears because I have had such a strong passion to help Mexia grow and flourish. It has been an absolute pleasure working for the Mexia EDC over the last 5+ years. I have learned so much about economic development, this community, and myself. “The people I have met during my time here at the Mexia EDC have been phenomenal. I appreciate each and every one of you that has been a mentor, colleague, and friend to me. Your kindness and expertise will not be forgotten, and I hope that we cross paths in the future “And thank you to our City Manager, City Secretary, and City Council for being wonderful partners throughout this endeavor.