MISD board hears options for replacing bleachers
The Mexia school board heard an informational presentation regarding the replacement of the bleachers at Blackcat Field at its monthly meeting Monday, Oct. 24.
The Mexia school board heard an informational presentation regarding the replacement of the bleachers at Blackcat Field at its monthly meeting Monday, Oct. 24.
“When I was in danger, I called to the Lord, and He answered me, I was about to die, so I cried to You, and You heard my voice.” JONAH 2:2.
The Limestone County Historical Commission held its regular meeting at 6 p. m. Oct. 4, in the Limestone County Courthouse. Members present were Donald (Bubba) McDonald, Linda Jordan, Bill Ferris Linda Ferris and William Reagan.
God created Seasons for us in life. We have a time for every activity under the sun that we can imagine under heaven. We have a time to be pushed out from our mother’s womb into this world for a little while as we scream to return to the safe and warm womb. Then we are untethered from our life-sustaining umbilical cord in this jungle of a flawed world where we are free to live, love, and survive on our own. Then we have our appointed time to wrap it all up and call it a day on this earth. We have a time to plant and a time to harvest in the dash --(that short dash called Life on headstones between our day of birth and our day of transition to Jesus). IF we are lucky, we have our four seasons to live – Spring, Summer, Autumn and then our Winter days. Enjoy each Season. Winter may be a bit tougher than Spring, by the way. Summers are fun. Breathe deeply and slowly and enjoy today. Enjoy writing someone a letter or note or email today and making their day easier to breathe today. Draw life as a party in your mind today. – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (Gary version).
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868