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Live each day with a smile on your face

God created Seasons for us in life. We have a time for every activity under the sun that we can imagine under heaven. We have a time to be pushed out from our mother’s womb into this world for a little while as we scream to return to the safe and warm womb. Then we are untethered from our life-sustaining umbilical cord in this jungle of a flawed world where we are free to live, love, and survive on our own. Then we have our appointed time to wrap it all up and call it a day on this earth. We have a time to plant and a time to harvest in the dash --(that short dash called Life on headstones between our day of birth and our day of transition to Jesus). IF we are lucky, we have our four seasons to live – Spring, Summer, Autumn and then our Winter days. Enjoy each Season. Winter may be a bit tougher than Spring, by the way. Summers are fun. Breathe deeply and slowly and enjoy today. Enjoy writing someone a letter or note or email today and making their day easier to breathe today. Draw life as a party in your mind today. – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (Gary version).


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