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Livestock Reports

GROESBECK AUCTION & LIVESTOCK COMPANY The Groesbeck Auction & Livestock Company held its weekly livestock auction sale on Jan. 12. The sale is held each Thursday beginning at 12 noon. Sellers 112 and 52 buyers. Head Count 797 . The market report from last week’s sale is given below: Packer Cows: $65- $91 Packer Bulls: $80-$112 Thin Cows: $25-$45 STOCKER COWS: Young Bred Cows: $1000 -

Dear God, enlighten what’s dark in me ... mend what’s broken

Noah, take two of every animal onto your Big Boat, before the rains come. I created the animals at the same time I created Adam and Eve. A Sacred Part of my Creation is the animals, so let’s save them. People will use the animals as needed in future generations. Some animals will even become pets thousands of years from now when people figure out how to domesticate wolves and wildcats. People will even allow the animals to live in their houses as you live with them in your Big Boat. Then these domesticated animals will rule the houses of the owners. It will be kind of fun for me to watch just for entertainment. Some churches will even have Blessing of the Pets every October. Anyway, save two of every animal, male and female, before the Big Rains hit you. Thanks for building that Big Boat from the strong and dense cypress trees as I directed. I know your neighbors think you are crazy for building a Big Boat before anyone even knows what a boat is. Thanks for your work, Noah. God. - Genesis 6:13-22 (paraphrased) Saturday morning, Pam was at the Pt. Enterprize Community Clubhouse delivering food for the funeral reception. The 2 p.m. funeral was for Point Enterprize resident and quilter Margie Phillips. I was to do the funeral service, give the Eulogy and give the Committal Prayer at the interment at the Point Enterprize Cemetery.


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