We started the week off with Bible Study with Irma Carranza this week at Mexia LTC. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon. Residents enjoyed their Bible Group with Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning. Residents enjoyed the beautiful singing of Chris Low from Amedisys Hospice that afternoon.
It’s a misconception that human trafficking only happens in big cities or port cities, said Glyn Sloan, Limestone County Victim Assistance coordinator.
Poor service areas in Limestone County keep some residents from accessing internet speeds conducive to today’s online world, according to Limestone County Judge Richard Duncan.
TOP: Members of the Mexia High School theatre department entertained the crowd with dramatic readings during the Mexia ISD CTE dinner at the Mexia Junior High School cafeteria Thursday, Jan. 12. Pictured are Alyssa Fuentes (with microphone) and onstage from left, Jacob Espinoza, Ryan O’Connor, Navaya McKee amd Juventino Barrios. ABOVE: Alden Garber, forefront, and Dr. Nathan Gonzales make a bid on items in the silent auction at the Mexia ISD CTE dinner at the Mexia Junior High School cafeteria Thursday, Jan. 12. The event also included a live auction which featured items that were created or constructed by Mexia High School CTE students.
Mexia High School Principal John Griggs updated the Rotary Club of Mexia recently on the Career and Technical Education program, fielding reports from three Career and Technical Education instructors.