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Blessed are those who go to God in humility

This morning’s Sunday School lesson was on Jesus’s teachings that we call, “The Sermon on the Mount”. It’s found in its entirety in the gospel of Matthew, the fifth chapter, verses one through twelve. Now I have brought messages on this passage on several occasions, but the word that has often troubled me is the meaning of word, “Blessed”. The Greek word here is “makarios”, and it means, “happy are you, or, fortunate are you” when you encounter these situations. Another word is the word, “congratulations”. Now, if you are like me, when you are facing situations in which you know you are poor in spirit, or just plain poor, you don’t feel much like celebrating or being happy, or fortunate, and least of all, congratulated! Most of us feel more like the old “Hee, Haw” country comedy show, “Gloom, despair, and agony for me. Deep dark depression, excessive misery. If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. Gloom, despair, agony on me!” How many of you remember that? But what Jesus is trying to get across to us and to those of his day, is that whatever your situation is, at the end of life, for the believer, are the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven!


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