Let’s Travel travels to the 49th state
Members and friends of Let’s Travel enjoyed Collette’s Land and Cruise tour of Alaska from June 28 through July 9.
Members and friends of Let’s Travel enjoyed Collette’s Land and Cruise tour of Alaska from June 28 through July 9.
Dear Heloise: I always get a chuckle when I read your column in the Englewood Sun in Englewood, Florida, pertaining to the hints for cleaning a microwave. I have always been a fan of the phrase that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Years ago a couple was riding with Michelle and me to a wedding that I was to perform. This young couple is special to us for many reasons. Just to name one, he is involved in college ministry and he and I like to “talk shop” a lot when we get together.
Once pets have learned to urinate where it is appropriate, whether it is outdoors or in their litter box, it can be frustrating for owners when their pet urinates elsewhere in the house. While your first instinct may be to reprimand them for the unwanted behavior, you should first consider if they are simply marking or if there is a bigger health concern at play.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868