Council OKs amended Mexia EDC budget
Mexia City Council unanimously approved the Mexia Economic Development Corp.’s revised 20232024 fiscal budget at its Monday, Oct. 16, regular meeting after the agency shaved $99,400 off its projected expenses.
Mexia City Council unanimously approved the Mexia Economic Development Corp.’s revised 20232024 fiscal budget at its Monday, Oct. 16, regular meeting after the agency shaved $99,400 off its projected expenses.
Did you hear the story about the three young and rather wealthy men from out west who had decided to go to New York City to kick up their heels and “really paint the town red”? They had been planning on this trip for quite some time and now that time had arrived. They boarded the most expensive flight they could find, money was no matter to them, and flew to the Big Apple to find the most expensive and luxurious hotel they could to make their weekend a success. When they arrived at the front desk, they told the attendant, “We want the best room in the house, the one with room service, TV’s, a kitchenette, and each with their own bed, and no cost would be too much!” The attendant told them there was such a room but it was up on the 29th floor, so they took it. The Bellhop took their luggage and with keys in hand, took them up the elevator to the most luxurious room they had ever imagined! This was great! After changing into their clothes for the night, also at no cost to them, they headed down the elevator and out to New York’s nightlife. From restaurant to restaurant, bar to bar, night spot to spot, they finally began to grow weary and tired and decided to head back to their hotel. Those nice soft beds were beginning to be all that was on their minds. But when they got to the hotel, the night clerk told them that there was something wrong with the elevator and it was not safe to take. He offered them another sweet on the second floor if they wanted, but since all their belongings were up on the twenty-ninth floor, they declined and started to walk up the steps to their destination.
The Mexia Economic Development Corp. plans to reach out soon to the community to learn what people think should happen locally to improve quality of life, according to Interim Director David Burgeson.
Commissioners approve interlocal agreements and courtroom upgrades
A recent drug bust in the 1200 block of East Main Street in Mexia landed three people in Limestone County Jail.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868