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Dear Heloise: My 17-year-old cat, Elliot, has to be given steroids daily for the rest of his life, and pictured here is the face that I get after giving it to him. He sure has an attitude. I hope to see it in your column in The Reader in Duluth, Minnesota. Thank you. -- Lorrie Carlson, via email Readers, to see Elliot and our other Pet Pals, go to Heloise. com and click on “Pet of the Week.”

Lege gets to work in fourth special session

The Texas Legislature, conceived as a part-time body to meet every other year for 140 days, is now in its record fifth session (counting the regular session). When the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is included, legislators have been inAustin pretty much the entire year, as the Texas Tribune noted. While legislators are paid just $7,200 a year in salary, per diem payments – meant to cover their expenses while in Austin – have mounted. If the fourth special session goes a full 30 days, taxpayers will have spent $4.8 million keeping lawmakers in Austin.


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