Hints from Heloise
Dear Heloise: I wanted to write in with a response to the reader in Ohio who travels frequently. The reader mentioned struggling with people who talk to them and don’t get the hint when they see you have a book to read.
‘Factory farm’ goes best in Panhandle
“What is believed to be the largest field in the country under one fence was broken and sown to wheat this fall by Hickman Price, the most extensive wheat farmer in the Panhandle of Texas,” widespread news coverage reported on Nov.13, 1930.
Really ancient food
Sometimes I wonder how our ancient ancestors survived without foods like breakfast cereal and ice cream. But maybe they didn’t realize what they were missing, because pre-historic television commercials got such poor reception.
Insurance hikes make affordable housing tougher
A growing number of Texas homeowners are forgoing buying homeowners insurance as premiums skyrocket, according to a recent report from the Texas comptroller.