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Letters to the Editor

This week will see the decision of the people for the direction and purpose of our government in what most citizens pray will be a real correction from the plainly failed current and past administrations. They are in fact, thesameadministrationwarmed over for too many years.

Really ancient food

Sometimes I wonder how our ancient ancestors survived without foods like breakfast cereal and ice cream. But maybe they didn’t realize what they were missing, because pre-historic television commercials got such poor reception.

Letters to the Editor

Dear members of the Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, In the ongoing saga surrounding the case of Robert Roberson, we have heard from a wide array of people proclaiming his innocence: from a law enforcement officer who investigated the case, a juror who found him guilty, socalled experts in the media, and even acclaimed TV personalities and best-selling authors. Now, in a last-ditch effort, some Members of your committee are proclaiming his innocence, and you have held hearings in an attempt to halt Roberson’s execution.


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