The show won’t go on!
Mexia News Staff Report
We were so happy to announce in the Wednesday Mexia News that the Limestone County Fair Association had figured out a way to have the fair. Headline: THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Now, they have canceled the event. We know they tried hard to keep it going. We at the Mexia News will make every effort to acquire exhibitor/project photos and publish them in a section.
Here’s the LCFA statement:
CFA Supporters and Exhibitors,
It is with heavy hearts and a deep sense of sadness that we must inform you that the 2020 LCFA Livestock Show has been canceled for this weekend.
Even though we feel we have gone above and beyond to make the event as safe as possible by following the CDC guidelines and by having a professional Infection Prevention Healthcare Nurse on site, there are still some that do not want this event to happen.
All of us board members wish the outcome could be different. We were so close, everything is ready, time just was not on our side. Our hearts are broken for these kids. We wanted you to have just one last semblance of normalcy before the bottom fell out completely.
We will leave you with this, do not be shaken by this. You worked hard, you took care of your animal, you did everything you were asked to do. Learn from this, move on quickly, and come back strong next year and show this county what you are made of. Stock show kids are resilient and we think ours are the most resilient. Please know that everyone on this board will be here to make next year the best in can possibly be. We will support you!!
To our large amount of seniors this year. This was your final show, there isn't a next year for you. The heartbreak is enormous. We wanted this so badly for you that we would have let you show 1 at a time if it meant you had this one last thing that was not snatched from you on your senior year. We are sorry from the bottom of our hearts that we could not make it this happen for you.
In the meantime, we still want to try and have an online auction to ease the financial blow that these kids just received. Please take a pic of your exhibitor with their animals and email them to We will come up with an online format to try and have a sale.