Seven Wortham H igh School athletes earned a total of 14 T exas high School Coaches Association (THS-CA) Academic All-State honors during the spring season, which was abbreviated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The latest figures for people who tested positive for COVID-19 virus and a count of those who have died, was shown Friday , May 8, just before 8 a.m., from Johns H opkins U niversity and Medicine website ( to be:
It is interesting that, with all the advancements today in weaponry and defense, the thing that kills the most people is natural and too small to see with the naked eye. When we put so much emphasis on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, a virus that we should have prepared for is the thing that most endangers us. The emergence of COVID-19 reminds us again that, if you take on nature, you might end up on the wrong side. Humans certainly are capable of mass destruction; however, historically speaking, we are nothing when compared to disease.
With virus restrictions loosened, Mexia’s Caritas food pantry re-opened Tuesday, May 5. Clients were asked to remain in their vehicles while volunteers, each wearing a mask, brought them boxes of food.