‘And now we lie in Flanders Field’
Mexia’s VFW members marked Memorial Day with a small but meaningful ceremony at Post 4694.
Mexia’s VFW members marked Memorial Day with a small but meaningful ceremony at Post 4694.
This is the seventh article in a series about various ministries via churches and pastors are using to stay connected and involved in their community and to encourage their church family.
God so loved the World that he sent His Son who gave His entire being and life showing us what God’s Love looks like. John 3:16
A man with ties to Coolidge was fatally shot Tuesday night at his home in Waco.
April was originally designated by Waco’s Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children as the month to be aware of the plight of crime victims and child abuse, but then COVID-19 struck, and – like everyone else – their plans had to be canceled or changed.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868