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Livestock Reports

The Groesbeck Auction & Livestock Company held its weekly livestock auction sale on July 11. The sale is held each Thursday beginning at noon. Sellers 153 and 56 buyers. Head Count 938. The market report from last week’s sale is given below: Packer Cows: $85 - $160 Packer Bulls: $80 - $176 Thin Cows: $50 - $85 STOCKER COWS: Young Bred Cows: $1000 - $2350 Older Plain Bred Cows: $450 -

Time to return to His Word and truly love and respect one another

Folks, I don’t quite know how to say this, but I am super saddened and in quite a quandary as to what has happened to our Country, the United States of America. We are anything but “united”. You know, that was Paul’s theme to the letter to the Ephesians, unity among believers. But I have never seen such vitriol and anger and hatred of one political party for the other, and especially of one political party towards a former President of the United States as I have seen over the past six or seven years. I have watched this Country go down the tubes in its relationship between parties like I have never seen before, and none of it, absolutely none of it makes any sense to me! Does it to you? If it does, I wish you would let the rest of us know so we could understand as well!


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Mexia, TX 76667

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