Thanks for being president
Incoming Mexia Lions President Michael Jones presents a plaque of appreciation to outgoing President JoAnna Shivers. Photo by Roxanne Thompson/The Mexia News
Incoming Mexia Lions President Michael Jones presents a plaque of appreciation to outgoing President JoAnna Shivers. Photo by Roxanne Thompson/The Mexia News
Former Mexia Lion President Daniel Burkeen presents a plaque to Lion of the Year Karen Toole. Photo by Roxanne Thompson/The Mexia News
The bridge on Hwy. 14 over the Navasota River was lighted for the first time this holiday season on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Representatives of each of the three entities that maintain the bridge were present for the short ceremony.
Many are carrying heavy loads this season. I talked to a woman in town recently. She is inching toward retirement age, like me. I turned 68 today. I asked her how she was doing. She smiled, shrugged a bit, and said she had just gained custody of her four grandchildren. She goes home from a stressful management job and now spends her evenings feeding and helping four grandkids do homework. Then baths.
The latest cumulative figures for people who tested positive for COVID-19 virus and a cumulative count of those who have died, was shown Friday, Dec. 4, about 9:30 a.m., from Johns Hopkins University and Medicine website (coronavirus.jhu. edu/map.html) to be:
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868