News from the Lions Den
ABOVE: Members of the Mexia Lions Club installed their new officers for the new Club year earlier in July. At front left can be seen District Governor Rene Lamson and Lion Patty Manley; at front right are Lions Robin Green and Roxanne Thompson. At rear, from left, are Lions Noah New, Dick Flatt, Kent Kendall, James McKeand, Kathy Stubbs, Richard Green and Adrian Candanoza. Contributed photo LEFT: Lions District Governor Rene Lamson presents a plaque of congratulations to Mexia Lion Robin Green for being voted Lion of the Year by her fellow Lions in Mexia.
Texas football mascot names often amusing
From the King James Version – II CORINTHIANS 9:7 – Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Mildred Harris: At 100 ‘it feels good to be alive’
Centenarian Mildred Leona Harris says she regrets nothing and was happy to be alive to celebrate her birthday Thursday, Aug. 1.
Coolidge gets tough on late water bills
Customers could see $75 in additional fees