Dear Heloise: Stella (gray tabby) is a rescue, and she really loves her big brother (Ricky Bobby). We love both of them. -- Ronnie W., via email
Dear Heloise: Stella (gray tabby) is a rescue, and she really loves her big brother (Ricky Bobby). We love both of them. -- Ronnie W., via email
Dear Readers: So many of us are animal lovers. We happily welcome a dog or cat into our lives and homes for hopefully many years of joy and laughter.
“For it is appointed unto men to live once and after this the judgement. Death is appointed, and you are no exception. You only die once, and death is not the end, it is your destiny’s door” – Hebrews 9:27
Since their debut in the mid-nineties, gift cards have exploded into a multibillion-dollar industry. They offer convenience and ease for gift givers and receivers alike. No more questioning if a gift is the right size or worrying if returning an unwanted gift is offensive.
The latest cumulative figures for people who tested positive for COVID-19 virus and a cumulative count of those who have died, was shown Friday, 19, at 8:26 a.m., from Johns Hopkins University and Medicine website ( to be:
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868