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Mexia, Coolidge graduations are scheduled as follows, with restrictions listed:

The Mexia High School graduation will beat 8 p.m. Friday, June 4, at Blackcat Field. Graduates will be required to wear masks, and the school plans to ask attendees also to wear masks, for families to sit together and social distance themselves from others. There will be no limit on guests since the stands on both sides of the football field will be utilized. Plans could change as the date approaches, said High School Principal Robert White, but the district wants to ensure students and staff are safe.

Mexia LTC News

This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off reading about the “Good Ole Days” on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon. We read Bible study notes sent by Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning on each hall. Residents bowled on Tuesday afternoon.

American Legion awards two Wortham students

American Legion awards two Wortham students

Robin York, Historian for American Legion Post 288, presented the American Legion School Award to Ana Colquette and Jon Ross Black of Wortham Middle School at their May 20th year-end assembly. The criteria for this National award is given to the school by the local American Legion Post, and a faculty committee makes the selection of the boy and girl. The awards are based on that criteria, being twenty percent of each of the following qualities:


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868