Deadline Friday for Pumpkin Decorating Contest
The Limestone Country 4-H is sponsoring the Pumpkin Decorating Contest and the deadline is Friday, Oct. 29.
The Limestone Country 4-H is sponsoring the Pumpkin Decorating Contest and the deadline is Friday, Oct. 29.
This week at Mexia LTC we started the week off with a wheelchair race on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon.
Prince Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare’s renowned characters once said, “To be, or not to be is the question.”
Several dozen members of the Mexia Lions Club, their spouses and special guests marked the club’s 100th anniversary with a banquet Saturday night at First Baptist Church’s Christian Life Center.
Although last week’s Mexia City Council continued in session for more than three hours, 35 items were addressed under the leadership of Eric Garretty, the city manager. Councilmen were patient and diligent in their considerations, asking questions as needed. Some of the items that were considered include the following.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868