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Mexia LTC News

This week at Mexia LTC we started off playing bowling on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon. Residents enjoyed Bible study by Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning. Residents will have their Residents’ Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

Emergency gas line repairs keep Charlie Allen’s from cooking

Emergency gas line repairs keep Charlie Allen’s from cooking

While an Atmos Energy truck was making a routine check for natural gas leakages, it discovered one on the lot of Alon’s and Charlie Allen’s Hamburgers around the noon hour, according to Mexia Fire Department Chief Robert LaFoy. The store was evacuated and blocked off for safety reasons and Atmos called in workers to make repairs. A firetruck and police officers were called to the scene to assist if needed. Photo by Curtis Burton/The Mexia News

Back to school

If you haven’t heard of House Bill 3 from the 86th Legislature, kindergarten through third-grade teachers in Mexia ISD and throughout Texas can tell you about it.



TOP: Word made the rounds Mexia ISD Superintendent Ryder Appleton may be moonlighting as a chef. Last week and this one, too, he has been caught frying fish and cooking brisket and serving all the appropriate side dishes at the different schools and his administration office. “I enjoy cooking and firmly believe that leadership in any organization is best demonstrated through service to others,” Appleton said. “Our staff is worth the investment of time and energy to provide them with a freshly cooked meal.”


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868