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Dear Heloise: I use really thick spaghetti sauce that comes in a jar, and I used to really work to scrape the sides and bottom of the jar to get all the delicious sauce out. However, I found a trick that works really well. After emptying what you easily can out of the jar, just pour in a few ounces of your favorite wine, replace the lid, and give it a few shakes. Now it’s easy to pour the rest of the sauce out, and as a bonus it will be flavored with your favorite wine. Delicious and fast! -- Heidi H., Massillon, Ohio


Dear Heloise: I read in your column about all the things smart watches can do. They can also be a “lifeline.” My friend’s husband died from a fall at home. Since her children all live away, they bought her a watch, which she wears all the time. If she gets hurt at home and doesn’t respond, the watch senses it, and help is sent to her address. -- Donna B.


Dear Heloise: I read with interest your column recently about what to do to try to locate a lost or stolen pet. I would like to add another suggestion. Notify all local veterinarians that you have lost your pet. Describe the animal and provide a picture, and let them know whether the animal is chipped. Ask the veterinarian to be on the lookout for someone bringing the animal in as if it’s their new pet. You do such a great job of informing the public about animal care and alerts. -- Wanda D., Pleasant Plains, Illinois


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