High school mascots: Voks, Diamondbacks and Cotton Pickers – oh my!
Courage is needed in turbulent times
Courage is needed in turbulent times
When thoughts turn to riding lawnmowers, one tends to envision a homeowner making their way around a piece of green property in a slow, leisurely arc.
The Mexia Economic Development Corporation discussed expenditures for sports equipment, concerns about scholarship funding and heard updates from the city manager.
ABOVE: Diapers, wipes, formula and more are available for Mexia-area families on Wednesday, July 13 at First Baptist Church. The event was completely booked, and they were able to serve about 65 families. Care Net helps women make hard decisions about unplanned pregnancy by informing individuals about their options, according to its website. They also provide free pregnancy confirmation services, STD testing and support services.
The city of Mexia hasn’t implemented efforts to combat drought, despite surrounding cities issuing emergency water conservation strategies. However, the City Council will discuss implementing temporary water restrictions Tuesday, July 19, during the regular monthly meeting.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868