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Mexia LTC News

This week at Mexia LTC we started off playing bean-bag toss Monday morning. Residents played bingo Monday afternoon. Residents enjoyed Bible group with Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning. Residents enjoyed a wheelchair-wash event with Sindra and Kim from Accent Care on Tuesday afternoon.

Who is Jesus to you? Your Savior and Lord?

We are coming up upon Easter, that dark, yet glorious day in Christian history. It was preceded by the day that crucified the Son of God upon a cruel Roman cross, and yet, three days later, death found out that it could not hold the Messiah in the ground! All four Gospel histories give evidence to these two great events, and the history of the world hangs in its balance. But I want you to take a trip with me to the day when the world despised this man from Galilee and hung him upon that cruel cross of Calvary, and as you “stand there in time, looking upon the One who hung upon the center cross”, I want you to think with me, “who was this carpenter from Nazareth, the one they called, Jesus”? Let’s look through the eyes of those who knew Him best.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868