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Car enthusiasts

Car enthusiasts

Jeff Looney, executive director of the Mexia Economic Development, presents a sponsorship check to Don Corbitt, with the Lions Club Car Show. The $300 donation was recently approved by the EDC board. The event will take place July 4 in downtown Mexia.

Retired Teachers book ’em

Retired Teachers book ’em

The Limestone County Retired Teachers Assoc. gave away 416 books to the Coolidge Elementary School students. Each student got to pick out three books to take home and keep. Gibbs Memorial Library of Mexia provided Dr. Seuss book bags for each child. Jana Prowell’s first-graders are shown with the LCRTA members Susan Dornak, Judy Hurst, Jan Miller, Clara Roberson and Darlene Arrington.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868