(StatePoint) Playtime is more than just a way to pass the time. For creative kids, it’s an opportunity to build things, express themselves and imagine new worlds and ideas. Here are some fun playtime ideas you can try at home:
ABOVE: The Wortham ISD Band Section of the Week, the clarinets, from left, are Emma Hogan, Kenvick Mc-Gee, Emory Russell and Sierra Davis (not pictured) LEFT: WHS Band Member of the Week is Riley Porter.
The 70th annual Parker Family Reunion. Registration begins on Friday through Sunday, Oct. 13-15. a The descendants of Elder John Parker, Cynthia Ann Parker, and Chief Quanah Parke want to share their legacy and family history with many relatives. Elder John Parker was the father of 13 children. They invite and welcome relatives from all 13 lines to join them. Saturday will begin with a Parker Family Meeting, a family group photo, and a potluck lunch, please bring a dish to share. They then will travel to Fort Parker and will watch a special program by The Texas Sons, and Daughters of the American Revolution. Later the descendants of Quanah will prepare Indian Fry bread to go along with dinner. They will finish off the evening with a discussion on genealogy and family photo sharing. If you are a descendant of Elder John Parker, or think that you may be please contact them, they would love to meet you and have the largest group ever to celebrate their 70th year. Please contact Parker Reunion at P.O. Box 1811, Palestine Texas 75082, or email at parkerreunion23@ gmail.com You can also check the Facebook page: ParkerReunion.
This week at Mexia LTC we started off with bowling on Monday morning. Residents played bingo that afternoon. Residents enjoyed Bible group with Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning. Residents had fall treats with McKenna from Solaris Hospice on Tuesday afternoon.
Limestone County Judge Richard Duncan was joined in his office by three members of the Johnathan Hardin Chapter of Daughters of the American Republic on Tuesday, Sept. 19, where he read and signed a proclamation naming the week of September 17-23 as Constitution Week. Pictured with Duncan, from left, are Beth Harrison, Julia Morton, Judge Richard Duncan, and Mary Ellen Hawkins. The proclamation asks citizens to “reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed through this guardian of our liberties”during Constitution Week, proclaimed to be Sept. 17-23.