Wreck claims parents’ lives
A gofundme account has been set up for the family of Groesbeck residents Daryl and Johanna Ferguson, who died in a one-vehicle wreck last weekend. Daryl and Johanna Ferguson perished
MLK remembered in parade, program
With Saturday morning’s temperature in Mexia hovering at 40 degrees and the wind chill dropping the temps to the high 20s, those intending to take part in the Martin Luther
Man robs store at gunpoint
The Mexia Police Department is seeking the man who on Monday night robbed the Mexia Vapor Club on East Milam in Mexia. Witnesses report an unidentified “young, tall, skinny, black
PEACH PEELING Dear Heloise: My mother-in-law once showed me a shortcut that makes PEELING PEACHES a cinch. I put peaches that I am going to prepare into a pot of